Monday, April 26, 2010

Lavendar & Anenomes

In this weeks installment of do it yourself arrangements we have a short arrangement to work with. The flowers are purple anenomes and lavendar. The anenome is a small flower that comes in red, purple, and blue. The lavendar has several varities and smells great. Some varities are taller than others.

For this arrangement we mixed 20 stems of anenomes and 10 stems of lavendar. As you can imagine, the lavendar really makes the arrangement smell great. As well, it will make any room smell like heaven.

This arrangement was put together very easily by just grabbing two of each flower and adding them until all the flowers were used up. Some anenomes were taller than others so the key is to make sure they were all level when arranging. Once you have used up all the flowers, trim the bottom and they are instantly all the same size. Drop into the vase with fresh water, and another do it yourself arrangement is done.

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